Friday, October 31, 2008

Mason jar Jack-o-lanterns!

This is the craft that I did for my oldest Son, Parker's third grade classroom. The older the kids get, the harder it is to come up with something that both the boys and the girls will like to do and not think it's to babyish to do! This was a super simple thing to make.

Supplies needed:
Mason pint jars (or any size you would like)
orange paint
black paint
lunch sized paper sacks
Crystal clear spray paint

Due to time contrainst I painted the orange on the jars and put a coat of clear spray over them before taking them to the school. The kids enjoyed painting their Jack-o-lantern faces on them and making the stems! To do the stems simply open up the lunch sack and place the sealing lid from the jar shiny side up in the bottom of the bag, then slide the metal ring from the jar over the top of the bag and
manipulate until you can get the bag covered lid to fit snugly into place. You may have to mess around with this a bit to get it to fit properly so you are able to screw the ring back onto the top of the jar.

Here are the ones my boys made with Mommy's help!

Keeping up with the Joneses!

Both of the boys wanted to be Indiana Jones this year. Parker was less than thrilled when his little Brother decided that he wanted to dress up the same as him, but he quickly got over it with all of the attention it drew to them! People were stopping and asking where we got their costumes and remarking how cute Indiana Jones and 'little' Indiana Jones were!

When we were at Walt Disney World in August both of the boys wanted Indiana Jones hats and whips. We already knew then that they wanted to be Indiana Jones for Halloween so it only seemed logical to go ahead and pick them up then.

Trying to find a jacket and the rest of the outfit proved to be a more difficult task. I finally found a children's sized leather bomber jacket online, but they wanted $65 plus shipping for EACH of them! GASP! That's when I decided to call in the big gun.....Grandma! Thank goodness for Grandma's!!!! We went to the fabric store looking for a pattern for Indiana Jones, but no luck! Thankfully my Mom is super talented and was able to create a shirt, jacket and satchel for the boys to work for their costumes! I think she did a fabulous job!!! THANKS MOM!!!!

This is Tanner with his two girlfriends (yes...a player at such a young age! lol) who just happened to dress up in the same costume. They were so cute walking around the parade route all holding hands!

Tanner's 4th birthday!

Well our little one has officially turned 4! Tanner really wanted an Indiana Jones birthday cake so I was super happy when I went to Wal-Mart to order his cupcakes for school and saw these cool cupcake cakes they make! Tanner was excited beyond words when I walked into his classroom with this and it was a big hit with his classmates!