Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our upcoming Disney/Pixar Blog Hop!

Shawn and I have decided to start referring to our Disney/Pixar blog hops as...  The ORIGINAL Disney/Pixar Blog Hop!  We have been working hard to put together a good group of crafters and build a strong following.  We don't want anyone to be fooled by the 'imposters'!  :-) 

Our next hop is is scheduled for September 24th and 25th and the new exciting twist is that on Monday the 26th we are going to have a linking up party so you can ALL join in on our fun! 

We are still on summer vacation.  Another 2 1/2 weeks and the boys will be back in school.  My husband Jim is flying home from China next Wednesday (JUST SIX MORE DAYS!!!) and will be able to spend the last 2 weeks of the boys school vacation with us!!  He will also be here for their first day of school before having to head back to China.  This is been one lonnnnnnnnng work assignment and year and I cannot wait for him to be back home with us on a regular basis.

I also just realized that I completely missed my blogaversary back in July!  I will have to come up with some special blog candy for you guys so stay tuned!  I most likely won't be back around and into the swing of things until after school starts.  I have missed my blog friends and visiting all of your blogs, but we have had a very nice summer filled with fun!  Hope you are all well and that you have a magical day!