Monday, January 31, 2011

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

That phrase just makes me laugh!  My friend Kaye says it all the time and I had never in my life heard it before I met her!  It seems like it pops up a lot on various blogs, or maybe I just notice it more now.  Anyways... look what was delivered to my house while I was gone scrapping over the weekend! 

I won some blog candy last week from Linda at LILGREENBUGVILLE .  Thank you Linda! 


  1. Awesome! Congrats!
    The only place I heard that phrase was on Diners,Drive ins and Dives it's a food show on food network where this guy named Guy goes around trying out foods at different places. anyway, again Congrats..

  2. Guy on DD&D says it all the time..I said it yesterday to my fiance..he was like what in the I don't even remember why I said it. Congrats on the goodies!

  3. Awesome surprise after a scrap retreat, what more could you ask for. Congrats.

  4. What a sweet surprise to come home too....enjoy all that pretty stuff.

  5. Congrats! That's a lovely surprise!


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