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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Blog candy winners!

Thank you to all who participated in our Disney~Pixar Blog Hop and for all of the wonderful birthday wishes!  Normally I take pictures of all the Random Org shots as I do them, then upload and post.  Please forgive me for not doing it that way this morning.  I have a VERY busy day and no time to spare.  Rather than not getting the winners posted this morning, I just wanted to do it the quick way and announce them.  All winners will have 1 week to get in contact with me to claim their prize.  Here we go! 

Winner from Disney~Pixar Blog Hop Day 1 and her choice of a set of Kristal's stamps is....

#23 ScrapMyWay said...

Melissa, Happy Birthday & may all your wishes come true!! The tile is such an awesome way to hold on to such a great family photo. Goal inspired me to make one!Love the metal Mickey!!

Creative Wishes,


Winner from Disney~Pixar Blog Hop Day 2 and the Christmas Village Cricut Cartridge is...

#29 Scrappin Rabbit Designs said...

What a yummy idea! I want to try to make these now. Thanks for sharing. Love how they turned out.


Last but not least...the winner of my Birthday Blog Candy is...

#20 arneff0404 said...

Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you get to spend some time crafting on this special day :)


Congratulations to the winners and stay tuned for another Original Disney~Pixar Blog Hop coming your way soon!  Hope everyone has a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving! 


1 Cathy said...

congratulation girls, happy thanksgiving:)

2 Ladybug said...

Congrats to all the winners!

Hope your birthday was truly special, Melissa.

Thanks for a fun blog hop!! :-)

3 Claire Spielman said...

I am soooo excited to win blog candy from such a super terrific hop.. T H A N K S! Please email me @ & I will send you my personal info. I couldn't find your email, so sorry for this extra step!
Creative Wishes,

4 Kaye said...

Congrats to all the winners and all the losers; myself included!!! wink-wink.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

5 Rita Barakat said...

Hey Melissa I need you to come check out my blog please!

Anonymous said...

I miss your blog! I really loved looking at your crafts and LOVED your scrapbook pages....I hope you come back soon!

7 Chris said...

Miss this blog! Hope everything is okay.

8 Penny Light/Light Whimsy said...

GREAT WORK with such beautiful colors. Come join us again. We have some great prizes and some fun challenges. Love you see you again.

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