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Monday, June 27, 2011

Missing in action!

WOW! I cannot believe I haven't posted since June 8th! Things were crazy busy finishing up with school for the boys and then we decided to get away for a little bit and head up north to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a little R&R! We've been back home for about a week now, but that has been filled with catching up, grocery shopping, power outage, Parker's birthday and doctor's office visits.  Lucky me...been battling a kidney stone.  First time ever I've had this and OMG, hope I never have one again. 

Hope this update finds all of you doing well. I haven't created anything new in well over a month and I really need to get my space reorganized and find my mojo!  Although....that is going to have to take a back burner for now because...MY HUBBY IS COMING HOME from China!!!!  We just found out two days ago that Jim is booked to fly home on Thursday!!!  We have missed him sooooo much and will definitely be having some much needed family bonding time!  We only have a couple of weeks to cram in a summer's worth of fun and we haven't decided for sure what that is going to be yet, but we might just be trying to squeeze a few days in at WDW.  I'm a planner, so this short notice thing is driving me a bit crazy, but a few days on the spur of the moment at Disney is better than no days at Disney so I will try to go with the flow! 

So thank you to my faithful followers that have stuck around even though I have been horrible not only about posting on my blog, but also horrible about checking in on all of you.  Having my laptop on the fritz hasn't helped, because a lot of times I would hop on the laptop in bed during the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep and get caught up on everything going on.  It takes too much effort to climb out of bed and go downstairs to the desktop in the middle of the night.  :)  I promise I will be back at some point during July!!!!  Enjoy your summer!   Miss you all!


1 Sandy from Ukiah said...

First let me tell you that YOU have been MISSED my friend. AND I am so happy Jim is coming home.. and so jealous, I so want to go to Disney Land... Sounds like you have been having a fun summer.. Can't wait to see you posting when you can.. hugs

2 Unknown said...

So glad to hear from you!! Sounds like your summer is going quickly! So glad Jim will be home for a couple of weeks and so excited for you to pop over to my favorite place!! Relax and enjoy and we will see you when you get back!!

3 Unknown said...

I have missed you! Glad to hear your hubby is coming home. Enjoy time with your family....we'll be waiting right here until you get back. :-)

4 Unknown said...

I have missed you! Glad to hear your hubby is coming home. Enjoy time with your family....we'll be waiting right here until you get back. :-)

5 Cindy said...

i've been sending u emails... figured u were busy! Miss U!!! I haven't made anything either but do have a scrap-date with my cousin tomorrow evening.... should be interesting! lol I'm sure you & the boys are getting more and more excited as each day passes and draws closer to Jim's homecoming!!! Heck, I'm excited for you! lol I know u guys have really missed him! I'm guessing by your post that he won't be home for very long.... so it enjoy it while you can! :) Miss U and I'll catch up with u soon! *hugs*

6 teachermom5 said...

So glad you have been enjoying some family time. Congrats on having hubby home, cherish each moment and make some memories! Maybe they will inspire some new layouts:) Great to hear from you.

7 Denise-Scrapmouse said...

Melissa, so glad to hear you are ok (well, except for the kidney stone.) Sorry to hear about that. I hope it's passed and hope you feel better. I was starting to worry about you and was hoping it was nothing seriously bad. Glad to know you are fine.

I completely understand about family keeping you very busy, but they come first. So enjoy your family time with hubby and boys. Time goes by so fast and it's so precious. Don't worry about us, we'll be here waiting for you, no problem.

And if you go to Disney World have lots of fun and take lots of pictures. Then you'll have lots of fun Disney scrapbooking to do. And be sure to ride the new Star Tours. I hear it's cool! :) Take care.

8 Doris P. said...

wow!! what a month. Hope it gets better - MUCH better now :) This is why I love the e-mails.... hope ur feeling better. my DD said she's rather give birth again than deal with the passing of the kidney stone.. glad ur getting better :)

9 Jen said...

So glad to hear that everything (other than the kidney stone) is OK, Melissa! I was worried when you hadn't posted in soooo long. Glad to hear that your husband will be home soon! I bet the boys are ecstatic! Have a safe trip -- we'll still be here when you get back :)

~ Jen

10 JANLYNN said...

You deserve some great family time so don't feel bad at all. Have fun and tell us all about it later.

11 AJoy said...

Miss you but glad you are able to spend your time off with family. We all families too and completely understand!

Luv ya!

12 Kim said...

Enjoy your time off!

13 MiliPea Designs said...

Love your blog and will wait patiently for your return, no matter how long it takes!

In the meantime, I've left a blog award for you on my blog,!

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