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Monday, April 25, 2011

Let the countdown begin!

T-minus 18 hours and counting until my fingers are dialing into HSN to order my new Cricut Expression 2!!!! 

I was actually thinking about waiting until all of the bugs were worked out...or maybe even for the price to drop, but I have had my friend Diane's Expression for over 2 1/2 months now.  She was nice enough to let me keep hers to use after mine went haywire with the USB port and wouldn't communicate with my Gypsy.  I think it's time to let her have her's back.  Thank you so much Diane!!!  I will still need to pick up an Expression or have Kaye's husband take a look at my old one to see if he can repair the USB port so I can use it with my SCAL. 

Don't forget to enter for all the giveaways I have going on right now!  You have until 11:59 PM EST tonight (the same time I will be getting ready to DIAL THE PHONE!!!) to leave a comment on these following posts to be included in the chance to win:

I also have a Nursery Rhymes Cricut cartridge giveaway going on to celebrate 1000 followers!  You have multiple chances to enter for that up until Friday, May 6th here>>>  1000 Followers Celebration


I can't let you leave without reminding you about our Take 2 Disney/Pixar Blog Hop taking place this weekend with HUGE prizes!  I'm talking HUGE!  A Gypsy, Scrap n Tote, Scrap n Easel, Cricut cartridges, stamp sets, gift certificates....the list goes on an one!  I promise that you will not want to miss out on this on!  Tell all your scrappy and crafty friends to come out and hop along with us!  


1 Jamie Lane Designs said...

I think the machine looks amazing - just wish I could justify another bug in the house! :)

Keep us posted - I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

2 Sandy from Ukiah said...

Oh I can't wait... I got one on the cruise (well I don't have it right now, they said I would get it in May..) BUT I didn't win it, everyone that went got one... I hope I get my soon... you are so lucky you will probably get yours the day you order it... (xoxoxo) hugs

3 4kids4 said...

Good for you! Can't wait to see that machine in action! I'll be waiting a bit for mine...but that's ok! :-)

4 Denise-Scrapmouse said...

So cool! Looking forward to the next Disney blog hop. Can't wait!

5 2 Ducky said...

YEAH! I don't particularly want/need this machine. But if the hubs happens to walk thru the room and tell me I can order one, I'd be on the phone faster than you can say cricut! LOL! Can't wait to see everything it does. Just because I don't need it, doesn't mean that I won't be right with you in the drooling section!

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