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Thursday, August 12, 2010

It doesn't hurt so bad when they use a Mickeyaid instead of a bandaid!

I'm still trying to finish up our pictures from our December 2008 WDW trip.  Yes....2008!  I have stacks and stacks of photos from our August/September WDW trip to get busy on and I still have to pick and print out our photos from our June trip from this year to WDW celebrating our oldests 10th birthday!  *sigh* it can get so overwhelming!  Not to mention that it is very difficult for me to be thinking about or scrapping Christmas LO's when it's been 90 degrees and humid out!!! 

Tanner fell and hurt his knee pretty bad while we were at the Magic Kingdom so we headed to the First Aid on Mainstreet because everyone knows that a bandaid makes everything better!  Even more so when it's a Mickeyaid!!! I thought that this was a really sweet touch that they do this for the kids.  Tanner wore this with pride for days.  He wouldn't let me wash his leg so it wouldn't get ruined.


1 kelly said...

omg if i had know that was what the plasters look like i would have fallen over on purpose just to get one! So cute:)

2 The Cropping Canuck said...

Cute moment to capture! Great layout!

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