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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break!

It is Spring Break for my boys from their school and although I would love to be someplace warm and sunny doing something fun, that just wasn't in the cards for us.  The boys, the puppy and I are up at my parents for a few days while the hubby is hard at work.  I was going to bring my Cricut with me and work on some cuts for my upcoming scrapping weekend, but I didn't feel like packing and carting all my stuff up here.  Instead I decided to bring my laptop and my external hard drive and work on getting the THOUSANDS of photos from our August/September 2009 WDW trip uploaded to and get them all edited so I can decide which ones I am going to order.  I am currently on day 10 of 12 of the uploading part.  I've already spent hours upon hours doing this and I still have to edited all that I pick.  I haven't even touched the 3 CD's of Photopass pictures!  Thank goodness those are already edited and just need to be uploaded!  My goal is to finish this process before heading home later this week.  This is something that is near impossible to complete when I'm home since there is always a zillion other more important things to do when I'm there!

I will try and post a few of the projects that I have been promising for the past week or so.  I need to look back and see what I've already posted and what still needs to be posted.  I know I have a few 12X12 tiles still to share and some photos from the school auction.  Hope everyone has a fabulous week!


1 Snowmanlover said...

Happy Spring break!

2 Sandy from Ukiah said...

I hope you get alot done Melissa.

3 The Cropping Canuck said...

Thousands of photos! Yeah! That's lots of Disney layouts for me to drool over.

4 2 Ducky said...

Can't wait to see what you do with all of them. Thats a lot of photos! I look forward to more layouts. Happy Spring Break!

5 Audrey Frelx said...

Great way to get that done. Like you said you probably wouldn't have gotten it done at home. Can't wait to see some projects!

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