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Thursday, March 10, 2011

******** Epcot 2009 layout ********


When I spotted the globe I used for the "O" in Epcot awhile back I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it!  I built the rest of the "Epcot" title using letters from various cartridges to get them as close as possible to the letters used in the actual Epcot TM they use at WDW.  We always have a ton of pictures of us in front of Spaceship Earth and of just Spaceship Earth itself so I wanted to get as many of those onto these two pages as possible.  Then I thought it would be cute to add some Mickey ears to some smaller cuts of the globe!

I used the Shiny Paper Pack by Best Occassions for all of the letters, globes and colored matting.  The silver background paper is Pearlescent paper by Colorbok.  The "E" & "P" were cut at 4" from Plantin Schoolbook Cricut cartridge.  The "C" was cut at 4 1/2" from Gypsy Font Cricut cartridge.  The globe "O" was cut at 3" from Going Places Cricut cartridge and the "T" was cut at 4 1/2" from Plantin Schoolbook as well.  The smaller globes were cut at 2" and the Mickey heads were cut at 2.60". 

I am so happy that we are one day closer to Friday.  It sure has been a long week...and if anybody happens to see Mother Nature would you please let her know that I have had enough of winter and I'm ready for spring.  Thank you!  Here's hoping that today is better than yesterday.  Although, considering what time I woke up this morning... I'm not holding my breath!  However, I am actually going to get some "me" time during the day today which doesn't happen often so I am looking forward to getting some things created that are inside my head and my Gypsy!  Watch out world!  lol


1 Jamie Lane Designs said...

Such a fun layout! Makes me want to go :)

2 Christine said...

Nice layout. I really like how you did your title and Mickey Mouse ears.


3 snappy scrappy said...

So fun...looks like we'll be heading back in August...yippeee!!!!

4 Claire Langan said...

What a fun layout... The elements are fabulous!

5 Tinker Planet said...

Love this! It's clean and simple and totally depicts Epcot. I was just there last month and I loved it! Awesome page :D

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