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Friday, March 11, 2011

Thoughts and Prayers

OMGoodness I am just watching video of the tragedy that unfolded in Japan overnight.  The 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit is now setting off tsunami waves that our headed towards the US.  It is the 5th largest earthquake on record in the world since 1900.   It is amazing that we can see something like this that is happening 1/2 way across the world!  The video and pictures are literally earth shattering.  They are now telling people on our west coast to take cover in higher ground for fear of tsunami.  They are even sending out warnings to Hawaii.  Unbelievable.  I am not at a loss for words often, but wow.  They are saying waves could hit Hawaii by 8AM  EST and our west coast by 10 AM EST.  That is less than 3 hours away.  I cannot imagine the fear these people are feeling.  Especially those in Hawaii.  I mean...where do they all go???

Thoughts and prayers go out to all of those who have been involved and to those in harms way.


1 Kimmers said...

Keep sending your thoughts and prayers. I live in Guam which is an island between Japan and Hawaii. We currently have a tsunami warning on us until 11 pm (it's 9 pm). There's been enough warning for our island and Hawaii, so people on the coasts should be able to evacuate and move to higher ground to prepare :)

2 Theresa said...

Love that you posted this on your blog, very sweet of you! I cant even imagine what they went and are going through, my families prayers are with all of them too.
Bless you, Theresa

3 Sandy from Ukiah said...

Oh how scary... I will be praying..

4 Marianne B in AZ said...

Yes, this is so devistating! Things like this always help me put my problems in prespective. We all need to send prayers and good thoughts.

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