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Thursday, March 17, 2011

My dream is to own an Original ScrapBox!

Guess what?  They are giving one away again!!!  They are trying to reach 10,000 fans on The Original ScrapBox Facebook page!  All you have to do is follow this link>>>  The Original ScrapBox Facebook  and "like" them!  Then find the link on the page that leads you to where you can sign up for a chance to win!  Good luck to everyone and lets hurry and get them to the 10,000 fans they want!

Hurry!!!  They are only keeping contest open until they hit 10,000 and they are already above 9,000!  Once they hit 10,000 they will not accept anymore entries! 

Have a great Thursday!  The boys are super excited because it is the first day of Spring Chess Club!  Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Be careful out on the streets with all the crazy drunk people! 


1 Heide said...

Good luck!

2 Sandy from Ukiah said...

Wouldn't that be awesome to win. good luck to you Melissa.. hugs

3 Audrey Frelx said...

Melissa, if that's a dream of yours, I want you to have one too!!! I'll have everything I can cross crossed for you!!!

Good luck!

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