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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I need votes!

Please vote for the "Thoughtful Flamingo"! 

Good morning!  So as you know from my post last week I entered this flamingo card in a few challenges.  I have entered more challenges this week than ever and this is the first time I've entered over at Karel's blog One by One the Flamingos are Stealing my Sanity!   She puts her entries up for a public vote on her blog!  I would so appreciate your support, but even if you don't vote for mine, please go over and look at all of the other fantastic creations that were entered.  The poll is on her right sidebar and my card is listed as "Thoughtful Flamingo"  you can click here to vote >>  Karelj's blog

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!  I have to get the boys to school and take care of a few things there and then I will be back to post one of the cards I made last night! 


1 DtsArt said...

voted for you. GOOD LUCK!!

2 Unknown said...

Just voted!!! Right now you are in the lead!

3 Summer said...

So cute, good luck on the poll!

4 Sheena said...

Voted...Good Luck!!

5 the cricutologist said...

I voted! I hope you win!!!! You rock!

6 2 Ducky said...

Love the colors. Great card!

7 - - Sheryl - - said...

i have voted! good luck

8 Tammy said...

Voted for your great card!

9 DonnaMundinger said...

Adorable, hon, I voted. Best of luck! xxD

10 Unknown said...

I asked my facebook friends to vote for you yesterday!!!

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