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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog experts please help!

Can someone please tell me what the secret is to making sure that the photo of your project shows up on the dashboard Blogger scroll???  I've tried putting it at the top and in the center.  I've tried putting it at the top and to the left.  I've tried putting it at the bottom!  This morning, my first post I had it on the top of the post in the middle, but when I checked the Blogger scroll my picture wasn't showing up!  So then on the second post I tried posting the picture to the top at the left and it STILL didn't show up on the Blogger scroll!  I know that when I am going through the Blogger scroll in the morning that I like to see a picture of the project to peak my interest in clicking on it and going to that blog.  I just want to know what the tried and true answer is so I can follow the same steps!  Lately it just seems to be trial and error and luck of the post for me!  I would appreciate any insight! 


1 DtsArt said...

If you want the picute to show in the blog roll dashboard, you have to upload it to be hosted on I just checked your too cute 2 spook picture and you are hosting it on Photobucket. When you are adding pictures to your post I am assuming you are using the "From a URL" and then pasting the url to your photo into the box. I like to use photobucket too to host my pictures.

BUT if you want the first picture to show up in the dashboard Blog Scroll you need to choose upload and then choose Browse and then browse your computer to find the picture you want to use. Once you have click the Add Selected button. There you go! Your picture will now show in the dashboad blog scroll.

2 Melissa said...

Hmmmm...thanks for that information, but I'm still perlexed! I've always hosted my pictures in Photobucket and sometimes my pictures show up on the Blogger scroll. I do not keep any of my pictures on my computer.

Yes, I use the url and copy and paste from Photobucket. I wonder why it has shown up before then? I'm not very blog savvy so this is driving me crazy! Thanks for your suggestion, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my post!

3 - - Sheryl - - said...

I don't know... I just did it the way it showed me - so I hope mine shows up. I notice some folks blogs do not show up in Google reader .. and I have to click on the title to see more. But I see yours in Google reader. I only load pics from my camera .... to the posting I don't use any outside photo company.

4 Sandy from Ukiah said...

Wish I could offer some help, but I am not sure what you are trying to do. I hope my pictures show up.

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