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Sunday, October 31, 2010

I have a blog button!!!!

Thank you so much to the ladies who so generously offered to make me a blog button! Jamie of Bits of Paper designs by Jamie Lane just emailed me with the finished creation she made for my blog!!!  I'm so super excited to finally have my very own blog button!

Jamie I cannot thank you enough for all your creativity and help!  I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!  A big shout out goes to K. Andrew of Getting Cricky with K. Andrew who is paying her kind offer to me forward to my fellow scrapping and blogging friend Sandy of Sandy from Ukiah so that she can now have a blog button for her blog too!   I love the generosity and kindness of the crafting blog world! 

Here is my new button!  Isn't it beautiful!?!? 

It looks just as beautiful over on my sidebar!  PLEASE grab it and put it on your blog!


1 Jamie Lane Designs said...

You are so welcome and I am excited that you like it! It looks great on your side bar :D

2 The Cropping Canuck said...

It's so cute!

3 Audrey Frelx said...

How wonderful!!! Isn't Jamie fantastic?!!! She's helped me out in a pinch too!!!

4 Sandy from Ukiah said...

I am grabbing your button, I hope you grab mine... hugs

5 Marlene said...

Lovely blog button! I need to look into getting one made, myself!

6 Cindy said...

um, hello?! WHERE did you get that cute button?! I {heart} it!!!
of course, you know it will go on my bloggy page!

7 Melissa said...

I've already grabbed yours Sandy! Both of them! :)

Cindy, Jamie was sweet enough to offer to make it for me! Isn't it fantastic! She's so awesome!!!! You better be putting it on your blog! :)

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