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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Help! I want a blog button!

Okay...I am not going to sit here and try to play myself off as a computer guru, because that couldn't be further from the truth!  I have tried all kinds of tutorials and looked at others blogs and I just cannot do it!  I want a blog button for my blog so bad so that others can grab it and put it on their sidebar, but I'm admitting it now....


Phew...I feel better now!  :)  I am not above begging for help. there anyone out there who could help me design a custom blog button for my blog?  Pretty please?  With sugar on top?  LOTS of sugar on top? 


1 DtsArt said...

I have both animated and non animate different sizes to choose from. I can also do one to match your current theme
I also have starter buttons with directions on my blog Just add text

2 Jamie Lane Designs said...

If you want to email me, I will create one for you!

3 Sandy from Ukiah said...

OH I want one too Melissa...

4 2 Ducky said...

Girlfriend, I'd make one for you in a heartbeat. If "I" could figure out how to do it. LOL!

5 Dorcas said...

I hope you get one! I had mine done cause I am not a html girl. Nope! LOL HUGS!

Anonymous said...

I'll make you one FREE--just let me know what you want girl!


7 Melissa said...

You ladies rock!!!

8 LorraineB said...

I made my own, but it's ugly.LOL so I don't think you want me to design one for you.LOL

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