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Thursday, February 10, 2011

My review of Page in Progress

First I would like to thank Mary at Cropperware for sending me one of their Page in Progress boxes to try out and review for all of you.  I go to weekend crops about 4 times a year and there are many times that I am not completely finished with a layout when it comes time to pack up and go home.  I ran across this product when I was searching for cropping supplies and thought it was an interesting concept and wanted to give it a try. 

This information and instructions come inside the box.

Here is what it looks like before putting any of the paper on top.  Those are the magnets all linked together.

The thing I like the most about this product is being able to place my pictures and embellishments on the page securely without having to glue them down.  The magnets that come with this product (you get 15 of them) are super strong!  I even tried holding a button on the page with one of the magnets and it worked!  It is great because by doing this you know you are going to like the layout and be able to fit everything on your page BEFORE you actually put the adhesive on! 


Here is the page with the cuts and pictures laid out where I wanted them before putting on the adhesive.  There isn't any adhesive on the back of anything yet and this is with the box sitting straight up, not laying down on the table.  Nothing is moving with these strong magnets! 

Really the only complaint that I have about this product is the box itself. I think they need to reinforce the box corners and maybe use a little stronger or thicker material to make the box out of. The first time I tried to remove the bottom of the box to close it back up when I was finished, one of the corners ripped. I had to tape it back together.

All in all I think this is a pretty nice product.  I will definitely be using it for my next weekend crop, if not before.  I do a lot of double page LO's so I kind of wish they had an option for a larger box with the capability to do two side by side at the same time without having to purchase separate boxes.  The thing that I think I will be using it the most for when at home is when I am working with my Disney Cricut cartridges.  For those of you who work with the Disney cartridges you know about all the little tiny pieces that you have to keep track of...well I do not plan on ever losing a set of lips or eyeballs again because I will be placing each individual piece into this box and putting the magnet down on top them to hold them in place! 

My youngest son, Tanner, is doing a project on magnets for our science fair at school next week and he's been trying to scam some of my magnets since I received this last week!  We might just be incorporating the Page in Progress into his project display!  


1 Jane H said...

Oh thanks for the great review!

2 Sandy from Ukiah said...

Very nice review. It's like my FRED. Only my FRED is for a 2 page layout. Love my FRED. hugs

3 Amy said...

Thanks for the review! Love the layout!

4 john said...

Mary absolutely CAN save a 2-page layout. The magnets are plenty strong. Just stack one page on top of the other when you need to close up shop. Just place the magnets strategically and you're good to go.

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